Friday, December 4, 2009

Welcome to Pro Hax Base

Welcome! My name is Tobi. Probably some of you know me from different projects I made. First thing I want to tell you is to bookmark this blog and visit it EVERY DAY. I also want you to know that I wil NEVER but NEVER use my programing experience in order to harm other computer or steal anything. I'm going to post allot of cool things on my blog and make sure you will visit it daily. Also there's going to be a forum and a chat box for everybody so anyone can chat with me online to make requests. I'm going to be the main owner of the chat box and trustful people that will visit my blog allot and will be very active, I will make them moderators even owners on the chat.

I'm going to post allot of cool things absolutely free and if you want anything else, all you need to do is make a request on the chat then I'm going to post as soon as I find out about the request.
There will be some cool rewards like member, moderator, owner and some rare applications for those who will download, visit and proof they are trustful. I'm sure all of you will like this blog. Stick around and visit this blog every day for daily updates. Have a nice day ;)